Pro ASP.NET Core 6

Pro ASP.NET Core 6

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2. Getting Started

The global.json file allows you to define which .NET SDK version is used when you run .NET CLI commands. Selecting the .NET SDK version is independent from specifying the runtime version a project targets.

Generate a global.json file from the command line using

dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version <SDK_VERSION>

Creating a solution with an MVC project from the command line

dotnet new globaljson --sdk-version 6.0.412 --output <FOLDER_NAME>
dotnet new mvc --no-https --output <FOLDER_NAME> --framework net6.0
dotnet new sln -o <FOLDER_NAME>
dotnet sln <FOLDER_NAME> add <FOLDER_NAME>

dotnet watch will allow for automatic project compilation (hot reload)

5 Essential C# Features

  • Use global using statements to import commonly used namespaces. Create a GlobalUsings.cs file and write down the namespaces you want to add

    global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.mvc;
    global using <MORE_NAMESPACES_HERE>;
  • Extension Methods are a convenient way of adding methods to classes that you otherwise could not change

    public static class MyExtensionMethods
        public static decimal MethodName(this ClassToExtend methodParam)
            // code here
  • Controller methods can be asynchronous using async and await

    public class HomeController : Controller {
        public async Task<ViewResult> Index() {
            long? length = await MyAsyncMethods.GetPageLength();
            return View(new string[] { $'Length: {length}' });

15. Using the Platform Features, Part 1